
Friday, July 9, 2010

Weekly Weigh In

Down two more pounds!!!!! I'm down 28.2 pounds!  I never thought I'd be here again!  Only .4 pounds left in this "weight decade" then I'm back to a place that I haven't been since my junior year of high school!!!!!

I'm not really sure at all what I'm doing, but whatever it is, its apparently working.  The biggest difference in my diet of late has been a pretty significant increase in the amount of beer that I'm drinking.  

And if beer is helping me lose weight, by God, I think I've found a diet I can live with for forever.

I have to be honest, I haven't really been following the prescribed Weight Watchers plan lately.  I eat when I'm hungry and I try to make smart choices, like having a piece of fruit rather than a Snickers bar.  And its only taken me twenty-three two years to figure that out.  

I know I'm a genius - I figured out that eating when you're not hungry is not good for your waistline. 

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