
Friday, August 27, 2010

Get Ready

because I actually think I might have some time this weekend to actually blog a little bit!!!!

Just as a preview - law school is awesome.  I never thought I'd say that about something that has me studying for about 12 hours a day, but I am.  More on it later!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Have you ever been put in what you think is a really uncomfortable situation where you really don't know what to do?  I'm living through one right now.

I don't want to say too much because this is the internet and you never know who's reading, so please forgive me for being a little guarded.

There have been a lot of changes in my life since I moved to South Carolina.  One of them, and the treatment of that change, has gotten me really upset.  I'm not really sure what to do - stand up for what I KNOW is right and intervene or keep my mouth shut in order to avoid some other equally unappealing consequences?  

I know the obvious answer is stand up for what's right, but how about this: the subject's been brought up a few times, I've said my piece, and it still hasn't changed.  What do I do now?  Take it to the next level?  Accept that its not going to change and learn to deal with it?  

Again, my apologies for being so guarded.  Its an unpleasant/difficult situation that I needed to talk out.  Hopefully I'll know what to do soon.  Well I guess hopefully I'll find the courage to do what I know I need to do soon.  

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Since I have a couple of minutes....

I am going to take advantage of what I know will be a very infrequent moment of free time and dedicate it to you my dear readers.  

Today was my first day of law school.  And I can honestly say, that I really think this is where I'm supposed to be.  There's something about it that I kind of love even though I'm only two classes in.  I can't quite put my finger on it, but its seriously awesome.

I even have a new favorite word already: tortfeasor!  Its the person who commits a tort.  The definition isn't totally cool, but tortfeasor sounds pretty sweet.  

I'm slowly getting to know Charleston and my classmates.  Except I did have my first run in with a palmetto bug (read: COCKROACH) at the laundry room in my apartment complex the other night.  

I've also made kind of an important decision about a completely non-law school related aspect of my life.  I think I'm going to cancel my Weight Watchers membership and use that money to pay for a nicer gym membership.  I don't have the time to go to a meeting and in all honesty I haven't been tracking (or not with any serious commitment anyways).  The gym at my complex works in a pinch but doesn't offer any classes which were my favorite thing about my gym at home.  I'm still trying to weigh my options with this one, but I think that is probably what I'll wind up doing.  

Anyways I thought I'd have a lot of time to write, but I made the stupid decision of sitting in my bed while writing this, which means that I am struggling to keep my eyes open at all.  

More as soon as I can.  This law school thing is pretty time consuming, so please forgive me for just jotting down a few lines when I can!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Adventures in South Cackalacky

I've now officially lived in South Carolina for exactly one week.  

It has been a crazy, crazy week.  At the risk of sounding really whiny and somewhat stupid, I'm going to say it: moving is hard!

I drove down last Friday with my parents.  I signed a lease and unloaded a van full of my stuff.  Then we unpacked all of that stuff and built furniture all weekend.  Luckily, my aunt lives less than a half an hour away, so we stayed at her place the entire weekend so we actually had beds to sleep in rather than just sleeping on the floor of my new apartment.

Since I've been in South Carolina:

I have spoken to my parents approximately 30 times.  They left Monday morning and they haven't called yet today.  They call a lot more frequently than they ever did when I was in college.  But feel free to infer what you will from that...

I got pulled over for the first time.  Sunday afternoon I took my dad into Charleston to see the school and we had lunch at a nearby restaurant.  As we were leaving I apparently ran a red light.  I say apparently, but I'm sure I really did.  One thing I've learned about Charleston is that the traffic lights are typically on the side of the street, not in plain sight (so if you're ever driving in Charleston, be careful and pay attention).  Anyways the cop was really nice and let me off with a warning because of my VA plates.  So thank you officer!

My cousin Kerry gave me a silly bandz....I would now fit in in middle school.

I have practically stopped eating healthy and exercising.  This is not good.  I NEED to find a Weight Watchers meeting and face the scale.  I know I'm going to be upset with how much weight I've gained in the past couple of weeks, but hopefully that will jumpstart my weight loss motivation.  I've come so far, I can't give up now.

I've had a lovely, lovely breakout of adult acne since I've moved down here.  I'm not sure if its because of the stress or the heat/sweat factor or the fact that I've eaten practically nothing besides grease since I've moved down here, but this is seriously the worst my face has looked since I was about 14.  I'm hoping beyond all hope that eating healthier will help it clear up, or at least that if I drink more water it will clear up, and clear up quickly.

Orientation starts tomorrow and I'm really excited about it.  I've always been kind of geeky and have always loved the first day of school.  I think it has something to do with all the new school supplies.  I'm also pretty psyched to meet all of my new classmates. 


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm Alive!

Just in case any of you are out there reading and wondering or are named Meredith and coincidentally also are my best friend, I am, in fact, alive and well.

The move to South Cackalacky went really well.  I'm still unpacking and am attempting to fully settle into a new apartment (and a new state) in about five days.  Its been a chaotic, hellish, exhausting week.  

I'll write more as soon as I'm able!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Carolina on my Mind, Virginia in my Heart

On Friday, I am starting the next big adventure of my life.  I'm leaving my homestate and moving to a brand new place for the first time in my adult life.  I can hardly believe that this time next week I might be blogging while sitting in my new apartment in Charleston, South Carolina rather than in the living room of my parents house in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Or that next Thursday, I'll be starting law school.  How crazy is that?  I have a feeling that the next few years of my life are going to be Legally Blonde-esque - I'm not following a boy to law school, but I do feel comfortable using legal jargon in every day life, and I hope to find myself along the way.

Its been kind of a big to-do that I'm leaving.  Even though its been building for months, this week has been crazy.  My parents threw me a going away party on Friday, which was really fun (I'll post pictures soon). 

I'm really looking forward to having a fresh start.  I literally know 5 people who live there (my aunt and uncle and three cousins), so I'm excited to get to meet entirely new people and experience new things.

As dumb as this may sound, I got so caught up in the excitement of moving, that I kind of forgot that I was going to have to say good-bye to pretty much everyone I know.  And I also kind of forgot that there are things that I really love about my hometown.  Things I am going to miss.  People and places and things that my life has revolved around for nearly as long as I can remember. 

Good-byes are hard.  And I'm not good at them.  In fact, I just realized that I've been medicating/numbing myself with a huge amount of carbs.  People say good-bye in a lot of ways:

  1. The ladies I work with planned a trip to visit me for a week in South Carolina.
  2. My parents worry (and consequently get me worried) about a myriad of issues from parking passes to student loan rates.
  3. My dog sits by the door of my room watching me pack, where, I think, she is trying to find the place where she can stow away and live with me.
  4. My brother acts like nothing is going on.  But he's leaving for school in a few weeks as well.
  5. Most of my friends want to spend some quality time together.  Seriously my social calendar has been off the hook for the past couple of weeks.
  6. My best friend Meredith, well she's already made me cry, I have a feeling that our dinner tomorrow is going to quickly collapse into Cryfest 2010.  
  7. My aunt who lives in Charleston "likes" everything I write on Facebook about moving down south (oh wait, she's more of a hello than a good-bye).
The fact that all of these people want to say good-bye to me makes me feel so loved and so special.  

I have a few more ruminations to share about the emotional and physical whirlwind that is moving, but I'll spare you for now.  Plus it will give me something else to post about later this week.  So I'll leave you here: 

For right now, I've got Carolina on my mind.  But for now and for always Virginia will be in my heart.