
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Bucket List

I was out with some friends tonight and we started talking about that movie Secretariat.  Now personally I love horse-racing (before you start yelling I KNOW its not the most humane thing ever), so I mentioned that attending the Kentucky Derby is on my Bucket List.  For people not in the know, a bucket list is a list of things you hope to accomplish before you kick the bucket. When I mentioned going to the Derby, one of my friends asked what else is on my list.  So without further ado, an excerpt from Andrea's bucket list:

  1. Go to Paris
  2. Swim in the Pacific Ocean
  3. Run the NYC marathon
  4. Be a millionaire
  5. Go to the Kentucky Derby
  6. Go sky-diving
  7. Write something that is published
  8. Complete a triathlon
  9. Raise a dog for a seeing eye dog organization
  10. Go to Italy
  11. Learn Spanish
  12. Pass the bar
  13. Go to a World Series game
  14. Volunteer with Big Brothers/Big Sisters
  15. See the Northern Lights
  16. Drive cross-country
  17. Visit wine country
  18. See the Grand Canyon
  19. Finish a New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle - without help
  20. Drive a convertible
  21. Go to the Olympics
  22. Go on a cruise
  23. Live in New York City (just for a little while)
  24. Go to England
  25. Learn to (re)play the piano.
I know its a lot of traveling but I've never left the country (heck, I've never left the east coast of THIS country).  That's it for now!


1 comment:

Julia said...

What a good list!

I haven't really thought what's on my list yet... I just know it's a lot.