I unofficially kicked off my half marathon training today. I know, I know, I was supposed to start it on Sunday. Well it POURED for three and a half days. STRAIGHT. I don't even know how much rain we got, but I do know that my parents got 12 inches from the same storm.
It was worth the wait.
Today was 75 and beautiful. No heat to speak of. No humidity. I even saw some Charlestonians wearing jackets today, it made me laugh because it was absolutely perfect weather.
Anyway, I ran my favorite run aka the only one I really have and know that I won't get lost somewhere in the middle. From my school, if I run straight on King St. until I hit the Battery at the very southern tip of the peninsula and head back, its a 5k. I did just a little bit more than that today: 3.34.
I don't have a time to give you guys because I stopped my watch at one of the traffic lights and forgot to restart it when I started running again, so my time was way faster than I know I was running.
Running has quickly become my favorite pastime in Downtown Charleston. Partially because its free, partially because I find it relaxing, and partially because I've never really been a "city runner" before.
I could never run in Charlottesville, home of my alma mater, and Chesapeake is significantly not a city, so I'm enjoying the new challenges and sights that running in Charleston gives me. There is so much more going on all around me in Charleston than in Chesapeake.
I like the distraction. After a long day at school and hours in the library I like to put my feet to pavement and work out my frustrations. I don't think about Property or my Legal Memo. Instead I window shop as I run by all the trendy stores. I dodge around all of the people. I look at the beautiful homes and try to imagine what it would be like to live in one of those very expensive, very historic buildings.
Its really helping me learn the city. Every time I go for a run I discover something new. Like today, for the first time, I noticed that there is indeed a Princess Street in Charleston. It also appropriately runs right next to Saks Fifth Avenue.
I think its kind of cool that on my first run for the Princess Half Marathon I noticed Princess Street. It also kind of made me want to live on Princess Street. I would definitely order return address labels with tiaras on them!
haha that's cute, i would totally live on princess street if i could...look into it for your next apartment :)
I would if I could too!!! Unfortunately I think my rent would be about $12000 a month!
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