Happy St. Patty's Day! The one day of the year that everyone actually wants to be Irish. Unfortunately I had to take the MPRE this morning (this is the test that the ABA gives out that tests the ethical requirements of lawyers) so I was unable to take full advantage of St. Patty's Day ACTUALLY FALLING ON A SATURDAY. It's all good though - since this test has been looming large for a while now I wasn't able to really do much of anything for my birthday (which was this past Thursday).
So my friends and I are painting the town green tonight. To celebrate my Irish heritage birthday we are going out for Mexican which is my favorite. Hopefully, I'll remember to bring my camera with me (and then, you know, actually use it).
I hope you all have exciting St. Patty's Day plans too!
Before you go, here's some St. Patrick's Day goodness.
An Irish blessing:
May you always have...
Walls for the winds
A roof for the rain
Tea beside the fire
Laughter to cheer you
Those you love near you
And all your heart might desire.